Directors: Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury Writers: Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury Stars: Anne Marivin, Théo Fernandez, Francis Renaud Country: France Language: French Release Date: 30 April 2014 (France)
Among The Living starts with a bang! A pregnant woman (yeah, that's what usually happens after a bang. Also, she couldn't be a man, or could she?) has had enough, she's fed up, she's sick and tired of her lazy, drunk, chemical exposed, DNA altered, war veteran husband, takes a baseball bat, goes full Negan on him and bangs his head hard (with the bat). Then she attacks her outside the womb DNA altered child (from papa's chemical exposed testicals), then her inside the womb baby, and last but not least her own self.
"When I say I want a peanut butter, beefsteak and avocado sandwich now. I MEAN MOTHERFUCKING NOW!"
After the opening scene we'll meet the protagonists. Three adolescents straight out of a Stephen King novel are walking around an abandoned movie studio only to find out a woman bound and gagged inside the back of a car. Instead of running away like scared little rabbits, they sneak and hide into their little rabbit holes to take a look at who and why is keeping the wee lassie trapped in the trunk, but when they do, then they run away like scared little rabbits pissing their pants, but unfortunately it's too late for running now (or pissing), because he managed to take a good look at them too, and has no intention of letting them reveal his secret love nest.

"The good, the bad and the ugly"
After they share their experience with the local sheriff (who of course doesn't believe them because they're a bunch of stupid kids doing stupid things) each one of them will go back to their homes like the three little pigs, until the big bad wolf comes huffing and puffing, to kill them and their families in ways we'll never see (?). At least we'll see the bad guy who is one of the creepiest looking villains ever (he looks a bit like the psychotic psychiatrist from Beyond The Black Rainbow).

Among The Living is the third film by Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Mary. Their debut was the "New French Extremity" masterpiece À l'intérieur aka Inside, and their second film Livid is equally good but quite different. ATL is their first film distributed in the USA and unfortunately it's their worst! Don't get me wrong, it's not bad in general, but in compare with their previous work, it is. I won't refer to plot-holes, slow pace, poor structure and other terms of little importance to a horror fan, but to the one and only thing that can ruin the experience of viewing an otherwise good slasher film. The off-screen kills! Those who are on-screen are great, especially one of them is very inventive, bizarre and kinda kinky, but that alone is not enough. It doesn't do any justice when eight out of ten kills are off! What were they thinking? Was it a matter of budget? It doesn't look like it because the production values are high. A horror movie is like sex (or the other way around) and the kill is like an orgasm (what the fuck are you talking about?). what's the point of creating atmosphere, gradually building tension and suspense if not to reach climax? The point where the victim faces the killer and gets brutally murdered? Instead of showing us exactly that, rub the gore in our faces, the camera just turns away and cuts to the after-kill scene, like you're watching a butchered by censorship version of the film. Like every time you're about to cum she stops, before she cuts off your arms.

"What if I don't torture the characters, and I torture the viewers instead?"
Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury directed Leatherface, a prequel to the original The Texas Chainsaw Massacre which is going to premiere in a few days. After the last instalment of the franchise (Texas Chainsaw 3D, the worst of the series by far) I had no interest for another TCM movie whatsoever, until I found out who were directing it. As I said earlier, I really like Inside and Livid and I have high hopes that these two French will create a "Leatherface" that we'll all love again (crossed fingers for no off-camera kills).
("Meh" trailer)
(USA poster)
(French poster)
(Cool poster)
"They didn't show the kill! AGAIN!"
"Maybe here they will"
"What about here?"
(It's called "wedge" for a reason)
"One out of three, it hurts you more than me"
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